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Amaze - Change Your Reactions

More than half of autistic Australians and their families experience significant social isolation, with 40% revealing they sometimes struggle to leave the house because they’re concerned about being subjected to discriminatory or negative behaviours in the community.

On top of this, 85% of Australians know a person with autism but only 29% know how to support an autistic person.

Campaign Edge worked with Amaze Victoria to create a groundbreaking behaviour change campaign called ‘Change your Reactions’ – the first autism public education campaign in Australian history. The creative focuses on common situations faced by people living with autism – and how we can better identify and respond to those situations.

We achieved a recall rate of 56% for the broad community and a remarkable 72% for those who are autistic – with over 50,000 visitors during the life of the campaign to the dedicated campaign website. 20% of autistic people and their families noticed a change in people’s attitudes towards them - many shared their stories online. I’m so happy that I could be a part of this campaign.